About Me

Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia
Hope you all will enjoy reading my BLOG yang tak seberapa ni, Baru nak belajar2 buat BLOG sendiri sebagai mengisi masa lapang yang banyak berlalu dengan tanpa berbuat apa2. Hope you guys sudi2 kan lah menjenguk jenguk my BLOG ya. Tak da apa2 sebenarnya pun, but its ALL ABOUT MY FAMILY AND ANGELS of mine [Afiq,Damia,Dina] MASSAGE TO MY ANGELS...... You all are everything for MAMA [be a good kids] and [jadilah anak2 yang soleh dan solehah], berguna pada agama, bangsa, negara [be somebody for your own good]dan jauhilah diri dari perkara2 yg tidak baik ya sayang, itu saja yg MAMA pinta [tak lebih dari itu]. Buat yang TERBAIK utk MAMA ok]. And I promise to give the best for you all.....Mama SAYANG all of you. Please promise me that all of you will be a good kids....:D...Don't be naughty...

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Bye Bye SAM, Bye Bye KIB

S = Siti
M= Mustapha

K= Karlos
I= Israphil
B= Bendlin

Belum pun genap 3 tahun aku di zico, 
Ini adalah kali ke 4 aku kehilangan bos lagi. 1st WBM, 2nd SSB, 3rd BIG BOSS KIB. 
And now 4th SAM. I just alternate secretary to her bila HBK on leave or on medical leave.

Walaupun cuma alternate sec. to SAM, 
SAM is a VERY...very COOL BOSS that I work to. 
SAM not like my other boss before.
We go out lunch together and share food together.
Jurang antara boss and secretary itu langsung tidak ada,
walaupun SAM berpelajaran tinggi. 
dan saya sangat2 TERHARU with this RELATIONSHIP........
[betapa kerdilnya aku disisi mereka WBM, SSB, KIB, SAM, NEK & MFH] 
The very COOL BOSS ever.....

we can eat at MAMAK Stall at TTDI to eat our favourite rojak together,
walaupun burung2 merpati bersepah di situ dan 
akan bila2 masa memberi najisnya pada kita
we can window shopping at mid valley every friday...
when to Bellamy Food Court to eat ikan bakar yang super duper hot...
DAN....bertungkus lumus membuat suprise party for our BIG SIFU - KIB

semua ini akan tinggal KENANGAN yang TERINDAH....
And I will never find a very COOL BOSS like you after this.

And now the only living NEK and MFH. 
yang mungkin berura-ura untuk meninggalkan ZICO.....
 Maybe after this I will no longer have the best and COOL BOSS like them.

sob sob sob
Last week we had some small FAREWELL

enjoy the picture below......

KIB, my ex BIG BOSSSS......picture was taken last year on HBK besday at tupai-tupai

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